Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Magnificat meditation

Today I'm working on a meditation for the second installment of the series on the "Coming of the Divine." The focus is on the Magnificat.
...she spent the journey
to that outlying town, lying out words...
as a carpet, the first part
of the Way made straight...
The Rosary Poems are a good insight for this section.

I'm working on the contact Mary and Elizabeth have...

"Elizabeth exclaims about this, and something in the few words and way she speaks… must have connected with Mary, since this young girl breaks into “song.” Perhaps she was a poetess, perhaps she spent the journey to that outlying town lying out the words she was feeling, as a carpet, or perhaps the first part of the Way ‘made straight’ through the wilderness. "

Band names for the Day: El Dorados
Street names seem good food for band names -
they have lots of meaning - perhaps even beyond
the spelling and language that now uses them.

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