Thursday, July 07, 2011

leaving Kenya

(leaving) Nairobi, Kenya  -  7 July
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Our last day, we spent going to the office and finishing up some NGO work, going to the art market and buying some last trinkets. We went to a daily art market near Sarit Center. Stall 155 was helpful and recognized me from the weekend visits to the mobile market.

Another red eyed seller tried to take advantage of me. I was warned of these guys who try to jack up the prices and sell for the artisan. Then they go blow the money on something that does not last. The artisan gets more money, but they get some too.

Then we went back to the Classic Guest House to wait for 5pm. Then we began going to the airport. It took 1.5 hours getting to the airport in a thick, nasty "jam". It was awful. Then we had to get seats, hopefully close together. WE ended up traipsing around the airport for 4 hours until 9pm, then going through gate security and waiting until 10:30 - flight delay, to board and get going.

We had good enough delays in between flights, but it meant longer travel time - it'll be 27 hours or so by the time we arrive in Sac'to tonight. I write this in the Portland airport at gate B2.

Nice wine bar nearby. We had a good salad and good sandwiches and nice red wine for $6 a glass. Ah, it's good to be in the states again. Now, I can't wait to get to my own bed.

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