Tuesday, February 21, 2006

children's stories and podcasts

Do you
know of any
sources for
children's storiesin mp3 format?

I have been working on gathering some kids stories, visiting web sites and looking around for podcasts I could save to playback later on long trips for my children.

As I noted briefly before I had listened to several BBC shows, including several children's shows. Unfortunately, the BBC is just beginning the podcasting option. There is not alot available yet.

Do you know of more kids' stories that are available in podcast or mp3 format online?

I've found only a few sites and sources. Yet I really enjoy the littletoe show on BBC.

Also the stories on the Roy Trumbull Children's Stories, although they may be a little too developed for littler kids. Obviously, looking at the web site, there are many for older people - whatever older you want to mean.

There are some cute (obscure) stories too: Kedou, and I was just listening to something from Soundseeingtours about podcaching.

1 comment:

  1. Here are some additional links to kids mp3s:
    Disney type old recordings, complete w/ vinyl sounds--
    BBC collection of stories, often read by Natasha - weekend morning DJ--
    Oh, my, good, ness, science songs
