Tusday begins small press month
...and next month is national poetry month!
band names, poetry, guitar, mystery, reading and travel all taped and stapled to a big coffee jag on the first day of the work week...
I was looking at a new calendar Exquisite Creatures, by Christopher Marley, and have to submit some more buggy band names:
Jeweled Scarab -- a good little bug
Shield Bug -- foul smelling, but pretty
Javanikei -- (paraphrase) of wood boring beetle
Circulion -- (paraphrase) of a weevil found in New Guinea, another borer
Seram beetle -- there's a larval form that devastates host trees
I have been working on gathering some kids stories, visiting web sites and looking around for podcasts I could save to playback later on long trips for my children.
As I noted briefly before I had listened to several BBC shows, including several children's shows. Unfortunately, the BBC is just beginning the podcasting option. There is not alot available yet.
Do you know of more kids' stories that are available in podcast or mp3 format online?
Bringing together:
~ the experience of mystical knowing ,
~ desire for practice and
~ willing choice (without knowledge - here as 'proof')
The result is ritual and storytelling-
actions which recount and suggest more than what is there,
and stories of the more, which we hold on to.
band names: rowdy treads
steam cleaned bright
shopping carts grim
faced commuters long
gone ceramic browns
steaming now cold
white egrets post
sitting yellow highlights
haloed crops taken
I don't mean it to be so banal [A word I first heard used appropriately on a Robin Williams' LP in 19__] but I have spent too much time living out my quiet anglophilia ... BBC radio online.
There is local radio, 2 hour specific audience shows, top 40, multiple kid shows, documentaries, spoken word recordings, etc.
I recommend Radio 6. Click the link at right.
Band names, in honor of the time I lived in Hereford:
Bromley Road,
90kph white car.