Sunday, July 30, 2006

poem - flood III

not so lucky
or rebuilt
are those in Louisiana
coursing horsefloods overrunningbanks, homes, schools

Yes, we’ve been here before.
The watery stampede has
Challenged the banks of the slough
The bridge support is rebuilt.
The earth below is fortified.

Not so lucky, or rebuilt
Are those in Louisiana
Coursing horsefloods overrunning
Banks, homes and schools.

I thought perhaps the floods here
Might be love. Not so
There, the destruction of
Love’s homeward trails.

The powerless (the poor) still have
To tame the horses, clean out
The stalls and stalling of
Sad powers too late
Certainly afar from places
Of hurt, from home trials,
Except perhaps re-election
(Or personal reflection).

How can whole cities clean up, clean out,
from tiny and masculine rampages
of stormy horsefloods and the cavalry of
the driving storm?

How can whole countries of people
Be left to fend off nature’s cavalry? To
Clip nature’s ability to reproduce this havoc,
A sterilization process for a herd
Of some yet unseen gathering
Equine teamed torrent…

What nation would do that
to its own people?
Or is that offering too much,
That water flooding both sides meet.

band names: horsefloods

Friday, July 07, 2006

band names and a good quote names
religion, Godd, children
unchurch, recipes, mandolin,
reading and travelstapled and taped

band names:
ballustrade - nice architectural word
light e - can't remember why I thought this was good
burnside B - humorous CD line
temptown - not quite temptations
spite - "mean enough to succeed" good album name
barn igloo - cool idea
the breakers - probably been used
GBB - Grass beneath the bannister

Aldus Huxley said:

The technique of mysticism, properly practiced,

may result in the direct intuition of,

and union with, an ultimate spiritual reality that is

perceived as simultaneously beyond the self and in some ways within it.