Tuesday, April 25, 2006

poem - time 2 (death)

patient advocate

patient advocate
leaves us cold
time steps from
a black car and
speaks of this
whole life of
ice cream and
green limes.

Death's patience
advocates life's old
time clefts in
black memories
no longer whole
cream green
cheese goals.

Death's favorite
advocate sees
revolution in
deterioration of
wars in marked
consideration of
time in life
earth's shoals.

patient advocate

band names: random access, spiral fracture, keypad 6

Thursday, April 20, 2006

poem - Easter Week flood

both sides
meetsflood poem 1

Thornton Creek (Flood I)

A creek… it was called Thornton

After a time to play I took

To climb down a steep bank

Only once I walked with dry feet

Years ago through

A tunnel beneath the street

That much water gushed later

I passed on the way to school

Flooding both sides, water meets

band names: corn pull, flat tiger, coalescent

Sunday, April 09, 2006

un-church post on Palm Sunday

...how to be an
un-pastor or live
in a circle of un-leaders,
whose actions look like coordinationrather than oversight

Been dealing and asking questions about various unchurch options and necessities. The thing I guess I 'm working on in some sense is how to be an "un-pastor" or live in a circle of un-leaders, whose actions look like coordination rather than oversight (bishopric) and hierarchy. All that and still 'lead' my own life of following someone whom I have chosen as my best understanding of the divine will... (gobbldegook? a band name?)

band names:
slippery bikes- with a picture of a deck of cards with old time bicycles on them.